E-invoices will officially be used as of January 1, 2018

Under the guidance of the Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Group/Petrolimex) at the Document No 1391/PLX-TCKT dated October 19, 2017 detailing the roadmap for the application of electronic billing, Petrolimex Ha Son Binh will become the first unit among Petrolimex’s member companies to officially replace traditional payment method with electronic billing in transactions and supply of products and services as of January 1, 2018.
It can be said that the use of electronic invoicing methods is an indispensable trend. The introduction of e-invoicing not only helps agencies and enterprises catch up with the modernisation process but also enables them to make full use of labour productivity whilst saving huge cost and time.
E-invoicing is a collection of information, data on goods sale and service provision which is created, established, sent, received, stored and managed electronically; legally valid as paper invoices and accepted by the Ministry of Finance and General Department of Taxation.
An e-invoice sample (right) and Delivery plus internal transfer note (left) issued at the Company
A sample of e-invoice issued at petrol station
The use of e-invoices will bring about numerous advantages for both the Company, customers and management bodies. Electronic bill payment will help customers reduce waiting time, and avoid the risk of losing and damaging invoices in the process of receiving, sending and preserving invoices, and make it easier for customers to query invoices when needed and to quickly handle tax finalisation with taxation bodies, etc. Meanwhile, for the Company itself, the e-invoicing will help reduce the cost of printing, sending, preserving, archiving, and exploiting invoices; strengthen the management, accounting work, and data collation, and so forth.
To effectively and synchronously promote the use of e-invoices throughout the whole system, and under the guidance and instructions of the Group leadership, the Company has reviewed the information technology infrastructure, checked connection lines, update customer data, register with State management bodies, prepare printing materials and inform customers about advantages of using e-invoices. The Company/Enterprise organised a training course on using and issuing e-invoices for its staff on December 21 and 22, 2017; and till now all preparations are completed.
Petrolimex Ha Son Binh Deputy Director Nguyen Van Lien delivers an instructive remark at the training course on using e-invoices
An overview of the training course
Petrolimex Ha Son Binh organises a training course for its staff on using e-invoices
A sales personnel from the Petrolimex Ha Son Binh’s Enterprise 133 pilots the issuance of e-invoices at Do Xa Station
Staff from the Petrolimex Ha Son Binh’s Technology Division instructs a petrol station worker how to issue e-invoices
With its careful and serious preparations, Petrolimex Ha Son Binh is strongly convinced that the company will officially use e-invoices instead of traditional paper invoices in transactions and supply of goods and services.
The company’s customers would like to look up e-invoices, please visit the website http://hoadon.petrolimex.com.vn/ and call the hotlines through phone numbers as follows:
- Hanoi: 0912.214.688
- Son La Province: 0982.856.398
- Hoa Binh Province: 0912.691.93